Health Tips

           Vinegar for the Body


Vinegar helps your body to absorb more of the minerals in food. 


For  colds, flu, and bronchitis, mix 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar and 1 or 2 tsp honey in a cup of hot filtered water  and sip .


For weight loss add a tbsp of apple cider vinegar to your filtered drinking water daily.


Get rid of toenail fungus by soaking toes in vinegar for 15 minutes daily for several days.  Works on warts too.


Vinegar can help clear up yeast infections.


Add vinegar to final rinse for hair to add highlights and shine


Add vinegar to bath water for sore muscles and to soften skin


Use vinegar on sunburns  to get rid of redness and pain.

by Linda Holman 

Tea Health Benefits And...

Health Benefits of Tea

  • Preserve perfect health until old age
  • Clear the sight
  • Remove difficulty in breathing
  • Strengthen the stomach
  • Vanquish heavy dreams
  • Improve the memory
  • Cure colds
  • Make body active and lusty
  • Inhibit dental caries
  • Prevent drowsiness, dullness, damps and clouds on the brain
  • Sharpens the thoughts
  • Clear the mind
  • Wakens the senses
  • Help Cure Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Prevent certain Cancers, Parkinson’s, Heart Diseases…..
Contrary to what people tell you, drink a cup of tea to your taste and it will give you the benefits of a Tea Cup. If you want more information go to
Warning!! To Tea Maker’s
Never boil Tea.
How to Make the Best Cuppa?
Pour the boiling water (use the water when first starts to bubble) over the tea and simmer it for 3mts. or depending on the Tea and your taste. If simmered for too long tea will taste bitter. Always use fresh water since water quality too, contributes to the best cup of tea. After making the cup you can make an Ice Tea or Drink a Hot Cup of Tea to your liking.
PS. This was taken from an article written for LinkedIn "State of the Industry" series.

by Madusha Palliyage

Holistic Health Line Radio 101.5 Fm    Sundays 10am

Gratitude and Grace

Create space for gratitude in your life:

·                     Bhakti yoga is the yoga of praise, devotion, and being of service. Bhakti yoga is the path that gives gratitude a voice (shubda – sound). Sing a little song, do a little dance, and look for ways to be of service.

·                     Count your blessings: Make a list before you go to bed of 10 things you have to be grateful for that day. When things go wrong (and they will), turn your thoughts to what you have to be grateful for instead.

·                     Offer up gratitude to those whose path you cross on a regular basis – the clerk at the store, the person who keeps the restroom clean, your clients, friends, and family.

How to create more grace in your life:

·                     Be compassionate – everyone is suffering, and everyone has struggles.

·                     Practice forgiveness – of yourself and others for failings and mistakes.

·                     Let go of judgment - of yourself, others, your life situation.

·                     Let go, period – resist trying to force your will and let things unfold in their own time.
By Debbie Barnett